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There has been much talk on comp.sys.amiga.games over the past few months
on the subject of finding ways of improving the speed of CivilizationAGA.
This file contains information posted by David Andrew Clayton
(dac@prolix.apana.org.au) which I found to work perfectly with my hard disk
installed version of the game.
In order to perform the changes to the file you will need:
i) Either Powerpacker Professional or DLD (found in the VirusZ archive on
Aminet) in order to decrunch the executable Civilization file.
ii) A hex file editor such as AZap, FileX etc.
Before we start, a quick disclaimer - I take no responsibility for any damage
you may cause to your hard disc and the files there on it nor do I guarantee
that the following will work. It just worked for me (and Mr Clayton presumably).
A) Unpack the CivilizationAGA file, perhaps taking a backup copy of it first
just in case anything should go wrong. Use either of the above decrunchers.
B) Load up your file editor and load the uncrunched CivilizationAGA file.
C) Change the following entries:
To remove the screen fades (thank-you God):
At offset &2CCF2 change &6728 to &66B0
At offset &2CE60 change &59466002 to &4E714E71
To stop the pointer annoying you with its constant blinking:
At offset &2D17C change &4EAEFEF2 to &4E714E71
To make the game run mostly from FAST RAM:
At offset &14 change &40 to &00
At offset &1C change &40 to &00
At offset &20 change &40 to &00
D) Save the file back, and recrunch it if you wish (and own Powerpacker Pro).
E) Run this file as normal by double-licking on its icon.
With luck everything is OK, the music is still fine and the game runs at a
less terrifyingly slow speed (on faster machines especially). Now a game
of Civ no longer takes a week !
Good luck ! Nick Ridley (nick@mentaur.demon.co.uk)
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZPokes to make CivAGA run at a sane speed
Find those interminable screen fades make
you scream ? Ever wondered which fools
programmed the game so that it ran _so_ much
slower than the original ECS version even
on your A4000/040 ?
FILE_ID edited with DIZ-Ed V2.0 by nocTurne deSign/OGN - USER: CONSTRiCTOR/BRUTAL-APPROACH
Short: Pokes to make CivAGA run at a sane speed
Author: nick@mentaur.demon.co.uk, thanks to dac@prolix.apana.org.au
Uploader: nick@mentaur.demon.co.uk
Type: game/patch
Find those interminable screen fades make you scream ? Ever wondered which
fools programmed the game so that it ran _so_ much slower than the original
ECS version even on your A4000/040 ?
Ever thought of falling back onto the ECS version and sacrificing all the nice
graphics just so that you could play a game in less than a week ?
This text file will help you to change the executable for the game so that a
few inconsistencies in the code are ironed out !
NB You'll need a hex file editor (eg FileX) and an uncruncher capable of
dealing with files crunched by PowerPacker Professional. DLD, found in the
VirusZ archive on Aminet, can cope with these.
Nick Ridley